12. Post-Civil War Traditions

12. Post-Civil War Traditions locw5td at the Perry County Heritage Plaza… Read More

11. Perry County at Gettysburg: Summer of 1863

11. Perry County at Gettysburg: Summer of 1863 located at the Perry County Heritage Plaza… Read More

10. A Perry County Civil War Solder: Sergeant John Jones

10. A PERRY COUNTY CIVIL WAR SOLDER: SERGEANT JOHN JONES located in Perry County Heritage Park… Read More

9. Pre-Civil War Transportation Development

9. Pre-Civil War Transportation Development located in Perry County Heritiage Plaza… Read More

8. Growth of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry before the Civil War

8. Growth of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry before the Civil War located in Perry County Heritage Plaza… Read More

7. Early Schools, Academies and Religious Institutions

7. Early Schools, Academies and Religious Institutions located in Perry County Heritage Plaza… Read More

6. Birth of a New County!

6. Birth of a New County! located in Perry County Heritage Plaza… Read More

5. Life in the Pennsylvania Backcountry

5. Life in the Pennsylvania Backcountry located in Perry County Heritage Plaza… Read More

Perry County Covered Bridges

Perry County Covered Bridges located in Perry County Heritage Plaza… Read More

3. Indian Attacks in Shermans Valley

3. Indian Attacks in Shermans Valley located in Perry County Heritage Plaza… Read More

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